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terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

You tell him this is his last chance. That if he does it again 're gone .Bullshit .  You know deep down that no matter what he does , you'd give in one more chance instantly .One more final chance .Only the final chances aren't really final anymore are they ?He walks all over you and you know he does , yet there's nothing you can do about it. You'd rather be treated like shit than lose him right ? And the thought of in being with somebody else instead of you , makes you feel physically sick. You can't ever imagine feeling the same about somebody else .He flirts with other girls to make you jealous and you think it's because you aren't good enough for him right ? You do everything you can to pretend everything's okay even when you know it's falling to pieces . And it doesn't matter what anybody says ,you know you're never going to get over him.

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